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GPO Connectors

Find information on usage and pin assignment of the GPO connectors below.

Using the GPOs

In the context of broadcasting, a GPO stands for "General Purpose Output." It is an electrical interface used to control various devices and equipment in a broadcasting environment. Find more information on using the GPOs here: Using the GPOs

GPO Electrical Specifications

Use GPO1 and GPO2 for connection to m!ka Mic Arm On Air. The m!ka Mic Arm On Air offers a integrated bicolor LED array.

Each GPO1 and GPO2 pair offers a integrated polarity reversal circuit. The output current is limited to 25mA, the voltage is 13V.

It is not allowed to use GPO1 and GPO2 for any other purpose, use each pair for connection to one m!ka Mic Arm On Air only!


The outer ring (on the connector) is not electrically insulated! Do not accidentally connect it to the housing!

Wiring a m!ka with the GPO connector

Pre-Built cables for the 5-pin XLR m!ka as well as open-end cables for the open-end m!ka version are available.

Using A compatible connector, you may build an Adapter cable to the 5-pin connector of a m!ka Mic Arm On Air or solder it directly to the open end cable and just use the 3-pin XLR for microphone connection.

Pin assignment

m!ka pin assignemt

Logical Programming

The following table shows the logical and electrical behavior of the GPO connectors mapped to the example functionality of a m!ka Mic Arm On Air.

EventGPO1 A / GPO2 AGPO1 B / GPO2 BFunction
Mic 1/2 Off0V+13Vm!ka WHITE LED on
Mic 1/2 On+13V0Vm!ka RED LED on
N/A*high impedancehigh impedancem!ka both LEDs off
N/A*0V0Vm!ka both LEDs off

*Reserved for future use