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Device Settings

RM1 features a lot of advanced options that you can leverage to get the maximum out of your product.

Access device settings

To access device settings:

  • On the device touch screen, swipe right to access the settings menu.
  • Select Device from the menu.

Mute speaker when mic is on

In order to prevent feedback on your loudspeakers, you can automatically mute them once a microphone is switched on. If both microphoes are switched off again, the speakers will be unmuted automatically.

High Volume Safety

high-volume safety warning sign

Warning: High Volume Levels

Protect your hearing from high volume levels. Permanent hearing damage may occur when headphones are used at high volume levels for a prolonged time.

If your headphone level is too low, you may disable High volume safety. This happens on your own risk.


Toggle RM1's brightness of the touch display as well as the buttons between 3 levels:

  • Dim
  • Std
  • Max

Reset Network

This will reset your network settings, device will be reset to factory default.


The old settings will be permanently deleted.

Factory Reset

This will reset your RM1 to factory default.


All custom settings, network settings as well as presets will be permanently deleted.