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Connecting to the Web UI

To connect to the Web UI, there are multiple options.

Use integrated QR Code

Simply swipe left to display and scan the QR code. It contains the correct URL to open Web UI.

Connect via device name


Your network must support mDNS for this method to work. Normal networks support mDNS by default.

Connect using device name

To connect using device name, simply open your preferred web browser and enter:

http://[device name].local

replace [device name] by the name of your device, as set in RM1 Web UI.

Default device name

By default, rm1 is just named rm1, so use http://rm1.local/ to access your RM1.

Connect via device IP address

Find out device IP address

  • On the device touch screen, swipe right to access the settings menu.
  • Select Network from the menu.
  • See the IP field to view your device IP address.

Connect using device IP address

To connect using device IP address, simply open your preferred web browser and enter:

http://[device IP address]/

replace [device IP address] by the IP address you just found out.