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Using the Internal Audio processing

RM1 features a full blown DSP and internally acts just like a mixing console including on-board processing. Delivering broadcast-quality sound, engineered by DHD audio.

Processing Chain / Signal Flow

Each input channel utilizes audio plugins, which can be configured by the user to optimize the incoming sound. The plugins are arranged in the following order of the audio signal passing them:

4Var Filter
5EQ 1
6EQ 2
7EQ 3
8EQ 4
12Panorama / Balance

Channel Processing


Gain Setup

Technically, the gain stage comes before any other processing step. It is used to amplify the audio signal. Also, phase inversion, 48V Phantom Power and auto level gain are the fist element in our processing order. The gain can also be set using our Auto Gain

Auto Gain

Auto Gain Modal

To use Auto Gain, click the Auto Gain button. A modal opens. Here, click Start Measuring. Speak loud an clear into your microphone for 5 seconds until measurement is finished. If the microphone is clipping, measurement might take a bit longer.

If there is no volume at all detected, measurement will fail. Try enabling phantom power (48V) and increase the gain a bit manually and try again.


AGC Settings

AGC (automatic gain control) dynamically adjusts digital gain of an audio signal to maintain a consistent output level, compensating for variations in input volume.

SubSonic / High-Pass Filter

SubSonic Filter

SubSonic filter, also known as High-Pass Filter, removes low-frequency from an audio signal to remove noise and improves overall sound clarity.


Expander Settings

Expander plugin increases the dynamic range of an audio signal by attenuating the quieter parts and allowing the louder parts to pass through unchanged, making the quiet sounds quieter and enhancing the contrast between soft and loud sounds. Can also be used to reduce noise just like a noise gate.

Variable Filter (Var Filter)

Var Filter

Variable Filter can be used as a variable high pass or low pass to filter unwanted noise.

Equalizer (EQ)


EQ (equalizer) adjusts the balance of different frequency components in an audio signal, enhancing or reducing specific frequency ranges to shape the overall sound.


Compressor Settings

Compressor reduces the dynamic range of a signal by attenuating the louder signals and boosting the quieter ones, thereby creating a more balanced and consistent output.


Limiter Settings

Limiter prevents an audio signal from exceeding a specified threshold by attenuating the peaks, ensuring the output stays within a defined maximum level.

Panorama / Balance

Panorama / Balance Settings in Gain Setup

Panorama (or balance for stereo sources) controls the spatial positioning of an audio signal within the stereo field, allowing the sound to be panned left, right, or centered, thereby influencing the perceived direction and placement of the sound source.


Automix Channel Settings

Automix automatically balances the levels of multiple audio channels in real-time, ensuring a smooth and consistent mix without manual intervention. Also reduced unwanted noise by unused channels.

Automix Global Settings

Automix Global Settings

Automix also features settings which influence how the plugin balances audio between different channels. To acces them, open the Global modal.